Saturday, September 19, 2009

My cutie!


  1. This is the one thing in my life that continues to make me happi! He's my Gizmo! I want to know what makes you the happiest! tell us about it! ♥

  2. ha ha! I have so many photos of this dog! My girls adore him, and take photos of him when we're over there.

    My friends make me happy, and my family, who are the friends I picked out for myself in Heaven. And counting my blessings, all the things I have to be grateful, that makes me very happy, even when I want to be mad. Also, it makes me happy to help other people do something that is important to them, or makes a difference in their own life. Most of all, my testimony and my faith!

  3. The Gospel of Jesus Christ. My family, my doggie, my friends. I love my life!!:)
